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"Crowleg" Dan716925150Howling Fjord
"Scoodles"716820100Howling Fjord
... Or Maybe We Don't7573209505 90Grizzly Hills
... Or Maybe We Don't7573209505 90Grizzly Hills
...All the Help We Can Get.80772200Icecrown
A Bear of an Appetite7572209505 90Grizzly Hills
A Bot in Mammoth's Clothing7168201004 70Borean Tundra
A Carver and a Croaker71695050Howling Fjord
A Certain Prisoner79775450The Storm Peaks
A Change of Scenery79772200The Storm Peaks
A Cleansing Song80
77220507 40Sholazar Basin
A Cold Front Approaches78772150Icecrown
A Colossal Threat8077220507 40The Storm Peaks
A Courageous Strike7268203005Borean Tundra
A Dark Influence747320750Grizzly Hills
A Delicate Touch7877
Pick one:
216006 80The Storm Peaks
A Deserter71685050Borean Tundra
A Diplomatic Mission71682000Borean Tundra
A Disturbance In The West72712050Dragonblight
A Fall From Grace7371205005 30Dragonblight
A Father's Words716815100Borean Tundra
A Flawless Plan7877216006 80The Storm Peaks
A Great Storm Approaches76742100Zul'Drak
A Hero Remains8077220507 40Icecrown
A Hero's Burden77
Pick one:
3210019 50Sholazar Basin
A Hero's Headgear80
77220507 40Sholazar Basin
A Lesson in Fear7168
Pick one:
201004 70Howling Fjord
A Letter Home7371205005 30Dragonblight
A Letter for Home7271203005Dragonblight
A Letter for Home7271203005Dragonblight
A Little Bit of Spice7168201004 70Borean Tundra
A Little Help Here? DEPRECATED7268203005Borean Tundra
A Mammoth Undertaking7776160505 10Sholazar Basin
A Means to an End7271203005Dragonblight
A Meeting With The Magister8080165505 80Icecrown
A Minor Substitution7473
Pick one:
20750Grizzly Hills
A Mission Statement72702050Borean Tundra
A Monument to the Fallen8077110503 70The Storm Peaks
A Name from the Past75735250Grizzly Hills
A New Beginning8077220507 40The Storm Peaks
A Possible Link7472
Pick one:
25950Grizzly Hills
A Possible Link7473
Pick one:
25950Grizzly Hills
A Proper Death7168201004 70Borean Tundra
A Race Against Time7169201004 70Borean Tundra
A Rare Herb80
78220507 40 + 24Wintergrasp
A Rare Herb80
78220507 40 + 24Wintergrasp
A Return to Resting716820100Howling Fjord
A Righteous Sermon7371
Pick one:
A Rough Ride777653501 66Sholazar Basin
A Royal Coup747120750Dragonblight
A Short Fuse8077220074Icecrown
A Short Fuse8077220074Icecrown
A Show of Strength7473207505 60Grizzly Hills
A Sister's Pledge757310500Grizzly Hills
A Soldier in Need7168
15100Borean Tundra
A Spark of Hope8077165505 80The Storm Peaks
A Steak Fit for a Hunter7676211506 20Sholazar Basin
A Strange Device727110150Dragonblight
A Strange Device727110150Dragonblight
A Suitable Disguise8080220507 40Icecrown
A Suitable Disguise8080220507 40Icecrown
A Suitable Test Subject71682000Borean Tundra
A Swift Response7473207505 60Grizzly Hills
A Tailor-Made Formula7168
Pick one:
20100Howling Fjord
A Tale of Valor8077220074Icecrown
A Tangled Skein7674
Pick one:
211506 20Zul'Drak
A Tauren Among Taunka72712050Dragonblight
A Tentative Pact74735200Grizzly Hills
A Time for Heroes71682000Borean Tundra
A Timeworn Coffer7877
Pick one:
216006 80Sholazar Basin
A Traitor Among Us71695050Howling Fjord
A Victory For The Silver Covenant8080
Pick one:
3310022 20Icecrown
A Victory For The Silver Covenant8080
Pick one:
3310022 20Icecrown
A Victory For The Sunreavers8080
Pick one:
3310022 20Icecrown
A Victory For The Sunreavers8080
Pick one:
3310022 20Icecrown
A Victory For The Sunreavers8080
Pick one:
3310022 20Icecrown
A Victory For The Sunreavers8080
Pick one:
3310022 20Icecrown
A Visit to the Curator7268
Pick one:
203005Borean Tundra
A Visit to the Doctor8077220507 40Icecrown
A Voice in the Dark80772200Icecrown
A Voice in the Dark80772200Icecrown
Abduction7169201004 70Borean Tundra
Aberrations8077220507 40The Storm Peaks
Absholutely... Thish Will Work!7168100502 40Howling Fjord
Across Transborea727120300Borean Tundra
Adding Injury to Insult7168
Pick one:
251509 40Howling Fjord
Aerial Surveillance77775350Sholazar Basin
Aerial Surveillance77775350Sholazar Basin
Against Nifflevar716820100Howling Fjord
Against the Giants80
772755014 80Icecrown
Against the Giants80
772755014 80Icecrown
Agmar's Hammer727115250Dragonblight
Aid from the Explorers' League8077220074The Storm Peaks
All Grown Up780The Storm Peaks
All Hail Roanauk!7371
Pick one:
All Hail the Conqueror of Skorn!7268
Pick one:
2540010Howling Fjord
Allies in Dalaran70681250Dalaran
Alpha Worg7169
Pick one:
251509 40Howling Fjord
Alpha Worg7169
Pick one:
251509 40Howling Fjord