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A Mammoth Undertaking

Bring a Shattertusk Mammoth to Zootfizzle at Dorian's Outpost.
Shattertusk Mammoth Delivered
Provided Item:
Mammoth Harness


Before you go off challenging Broodmother Slivina, Dorian thought it might be a good idea for you and Hemet to coordinate your efforts by riding into battle on the back of a mammoth.

The area around the camp is full of them. Just take this bridle and slip it over the head of a shattertusk mammoth. Be careful of the bulls, though. They won't tolerate the harness at all. Bring the mammoth back here when you've found a suitable one.


Also, you get:510


Everything taken care of?


Perfect! Now, all we need to do is get Hemet a stepladder...


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 16050 experience (963at max. level)


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