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2. A Proper Death
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A Proper Death

Destroy 10 Plagued Magnataur and then return to Sage Highmesa south of The Dens of Dying.
Plagued Magnataur slain (10)


The magnataur at the Dens of Dying have contracted a plague. We must find the cause, but first we must put them out of their misery.

<race>, you must go north onto the slopes in front of us and destroy as many of the poor creatures as you can.


Also, you get:470


I still see too many of them for your efforts to have been very effective. A true <class> would finish the job.


What else can we do but ease their suffering? In any case, they came here to die, so do not mourn them. At least you have given them some dignity.

Now we must put an end to that which is causing the plague.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 20100 experience (126at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withThe Taunka


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