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1. A Return to Resting
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A Return to Resting

Use the Bundle of Vrykul Artifacts at the ransacked burial mounds of Shield Hill to return the Frozen Heart of Isuldof, the Shield of the Aesirites, the Staff of Storm's Fury and the Ancient Armor of the Kvaldir.

Return to Orfus of Kamagua at the Ancient Lift should you succeed.
Shield of the Aesirites Returned
Staff of Storm's Fury Returned
Frozen Heart of Isuldof Returned
Windan of the Kvaldir slain
Provided Item:
Bundle of Vrykul Artifacts


<Orfus hands you a satchel.>

Within this satchel are the artifacts that you recovered. Locate the burial mounds of Shield Hill, far to the southeast, where the items were originally stolen from and return the artifacts. It is my hope that this gesture will quell the spirits that now haunt our hunting grounds.

Be strong, <name>...


Is it done? Are the spirits at rest?


Grim tidings, <name>. My people are in danger and must be warned. These sea faring aberrations will take no mercy upon the Kalu'ak.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 20100 experience (126at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withThe Kalu'ak


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