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1. A Tale of Valor
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A Tale of Valor

Highlord Tirion Fordring at Crusaders' Pinnacle has requested that you locate the hero, Crusader Bridenbrad at the Silent Vigil, in northeast Icecrown. His fire pit will likely be the most obvious indication of his location from the air.


Perhaps you've heard the praises for our missing hero?

Crusader Bridenbrad was in the Broken Front aiding the attack against the Scourge when the undead army came down upon them. The many men of that allied force scattered, but Bridenbrad alone returned and dragged more than a dozen men to safety, one by one through the carnage.

<class>, he has not returned since. He was spotted heading to the far northeast, towards the Silent Vigil. Bring him back to me that I might honor him for his valor.


Also, you get:74


Back! Careful! The plague has gripped me and I'll not see it spread to you nor anyone else.


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