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3. A Tauren Among Taunka
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A Tauren Among Taunka

Seek out Emissary Brighthoof at the Westwind Refugee Camp.


<Wartook points northeast.>

She is quite kind, you know. If it were not for your emissary, the surviving refugees may have given up hope. While she may not be taunka by birthright, the tribe has taken to her as a village elder for the time being.

If you are who I think you are, please go and pay Emissary Brighthoof a visit inside the refugee camp. She has been waiting for you.


What you see here is all that remains of the taunka from the Borean Tundra and the Dragonblight. They are a broken people... battered and brought to the brink of extinction by the Scourge.

<Brighthoof shakes her head.>

Only the Horde can save them now. Only the Horde can mend their broken spirits. We will nurse them back to full health and they will in turn strengthen the Horde in Northrend.


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