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Quick Facts
  • Level: 75
  • Requires level: 73
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Sasha
  • End: Anya
  • Sharable
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A Sister's Pledge

Look for Anya in the Duskhowl Den near Solstice Village.


Please, <name>. I know it is Arugal you're after. I swear on my father's memory I will help you take him down.

But I must beg you... Anya is completely innocent, we cannot leave her with these savages.

Help me rescue my sister and you'll have me at your side when you face Arugal.

I know the den Anatoly spoke of. We'll find it on the other side of this hill. Let's go, my sister's in danger.


I don't want to be here anymore. The worgen-men are mean.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 10500 experience (630at max. level)


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