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5. "Scoodles"
Open Quests
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"Silvermoon" Harry at Scalawag Point wants you to recover his Sin'dorei Scrying Crystal from the orca, "Scoodles."
Sin'dorei Scrying Crystal


One of the first things Jonah Sterling did after he went crazy was to take my prized sin'dorei scrying crystal and feed it to the bane of my existence, "Scoodles" the orca.

No I didn't name the damned thing. I just know that she swims out past the ships directly southeast of Scalawag. Kill that overinflated goldfish and rip out my beautiful sin'dorei crystal from its stomach.

Do this and we can get down to business.


Are you lost?


<Harry takes the crystal from you and gently pets it.>

Oh my precious! Did the big, mean whale hurt you? It'll be ok. I'll never let you out of my sight again!

<Harry looks up at you.>

So, where were we?


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 20100 experience (126at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withThe Kalu'ak


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