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Against Nifflevar

Ranger Captain Areiel wants you to go to Nifflevar and slay 5 Dragonflayer Warriors, 4 Dragonflayer Rune-Seers and 4 Dragonflayer Hunting Hounds.
Dragonflayer Warrior slain (5)
Dragonflayer Rune-Seer slain (4)
Dragonflayer Hunting Hound slain (4)


We await reinforcements from Vengeance Landing to move against Nifflevar. If we were to capture it earlier, though, it would provide us with a great advantage over the Alliance.

Head into town and see if you can put a dent in their numbers.


Hail, <name>.


Excellent work, <name>. When our forces from Vengeance Landing arrive, we'll be able to take care of any vrykul that are left.


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