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2. A Swift Response
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A Swift Response

Lieutenant Dumont wants you to go to Forest's Edge Post and slay Vladek and 7 Silverbrook Hunters.
Silverbrook Hunter slain (7)
Vladek slain


Our response must be immediate. Decisive. We must teach these savages not to cross us.

Our scouts have located what's left of the Silverbrook trappers... you know, the ones you didn't get to douse in flames. Apparently they're blockading the road to the southeast... perhaps they're trying to box us in.

Head to the Forest's Edge post and take care of them. Their leader's reported to be a man named Vladek... make sure he's dealt with.


Also, you get:560


Is it done, <name>?


It's a shame those trappers turned out to be... afflicted. We sure could've used a few more fighting men.

May the poor souls rest in peace.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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