All Hail Roanauk!
Seek out Roanauk Icemist at Agmar's Hammer and initiate him as a member and leader of the Horde forces.Return to Overlord Agmar with the Blood Oath of the Horde when you complete this task.
Roanauk Icemist initiated | |
Blood Oath of the Horde |
Blood Oath of the Horde |
Like the tauren, Forsaken, trolls and blood elves, so too do the taunka need a leader born of their own blood. The one you saved from Icemist, Roanauk, will be this leader.<Overlord Agmar hands you a parchment.>
I give to you something familiar - the blood oath of the Horde.
Take the oath to Roanauk Icemist and initiate him into the Horde as leader of the taunka.
Let us not keep him waiting.
<Agmar nods.>
You can choose one of these awards:Suntouched Flowers | Honorborn Cloak | Petrified Bone Footguards | Oath Signet |
Do not waste time, <name>. Angrathar awaits!Completion
With the aid of such a powerful shaman, we are sure to be victorious at the Wrathgate!Gains
Upon completion of quests, get:- 20500 experience (1230at max. level)
- 250 Reputation withWarsong Offensive