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1. A Means to an End
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A Means to an End

Apothecary Vicky Levine at Venomspite has asked you to use the Levine Family Termites to lure Foreman Kaleiki out and kill him.
Foreman Kaleiki slain
Levine Family Termites
Provided Item:
Levine Family Termites


I received a few barrels of termites from my sister at the Bulwark back home in the last shipment. I think they're going to come in handy for something I have in mind for you.

The lumbermill operations at New Hearthglen are problematic for us, but so far we haven't been able to get anyone in there to take out their foreman.

I think that if you were to unleash these termites on his precious woodworks, he'd be sure to come running.

Ready to take him out, <class>?


Also, you get:5


I miss my sister, Mickey. I hope she's well.


I knew my sister wouldn't let us down.

Well done, <name>. The Onslaught's lumbermill will be out of commission for a while, which means no new construction or ballistae.

Thanks for helping me to live up to the family name.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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