Allies in Dalaran
Accept a gryphon ride to Dalaran and speak with Isirami Fairwind at A Hero's Welcome.Description
Welcome to Northrend, <name>. I have been asked to arrange travel for you to Dalaran so that you can meet with our allies there.Ride the gryphon to Dalaran and once you land, make your way to our inn there, A Hero's Welcome. Find Isirami Fairwind and speak with her immediately.
She can help you bind your hearthstone to the city so you can use the Silver Enclave's portal to travel back to Stormwind quickly.
Welcome to Dalaran! This inn is part of the Silver Enclave, the headquarters of the official Alliance presence in our city.Don't forget to bind your hearthstone here for easy travel to the city and access to the portal to Stormwind next door.
Upon completion of quests, get:- 1250 experience (75at max. level)
- 10 Reputation withThe Silver Covenant