Absholutely... Thish Will Work!
Peppy Wrongnozzle at Westguard Keep has suggested that you take her Peppy's Special Mix and administer it to the Dragonflayer Vrykul Prisoner to witness its results.Peppy's Mix Administered To The Vrykul Prisoner |
Peppy's Special Mix |
Voila, inshtant plague vacshine!But I sure as heck am not going to try thish on myself. And I know you don't want to be my tesht shubject!
Oh, I've got... I've got an idea!
We've got a vrykul prishoner being held down in the cells under the keep. Why don't you take thish mix I whipped up down there, and get that giant to drink it ...hic?!
Also, you get:240Progress
Well? How'd it go ...hic?Completion
Huh? Well that sucks! Darn, I made thingsh worsh. In fact, I think I perfected their plague for them ...hic!<Peppy grimaces and takes a huge gulp of whatever noxious brew she's been drinking.>
Well, I wash hoping that it wouldn't come down to thish, but it looks like there'sh no alternative ...hic.
Upon completion of quests, get:- 10050 experience (63at max. level)
- 75 Reputation withValiance Expedition