A Victory For The Silver Covenant
Bring the Restored Quel'Delar to Justicar Mariel Trueheart at the Argent Tournament Grounds.Restored Quel'Delar |
Restored Quel'Delar |
In spite of Queen Lana'thel's boasting, you have restored Quel'Delar, <name>. Long have we dreamt of reclaiming Quel'Delar.The Silver Covenant, and indeed all quel'dorei owe you a debt of gratitude.
As a <class>, the sword seems to know you lack the training to wield it and hasn't bonded to you. Where, then, will its next master come from? Perhaps the Argent Crusade can find one. Go north to the Argent Tournament Grounds and present the sword to Justicar Mariel Trueheart on behalf of the Silver Covenant.
You can choose one of these awards:Cudgel of Furious Justice | Hammer of Purified Flame | Lightborn Spire |
Is it true that you have restored Quel'Delar?Completion
That a weapon of such power has been redeemed from the clutches of evil is a great omen in these times, <name>. With Quel'Delar and staunch Silver Covenant allies at our side, the Lich King will have good reason to fear.The crusade maintains an arsenal of exceptional weapons for our strongest allies. Allow me to offer you your choice from among them in return for entrusting us with the care of Quel'Delar.
Upon completion of quests, get:- 33100 experience (1986at max. level)