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All Hail the Conqueror of Skorn!

Return the Westguard Command Insignia to Captain Adams at Westguard Keep.
Westguard Command Insignia


We -- well, you -- have done everything that we were sent here to accomplish sir . I must say that it's been a pleasure taking orders from such a fine, young <race>.

The captain is sure to want to hear of your success, but if you decide to stay out here for whatever reason, I am at your disposal.


You can choose one of these awards:
Sun-Fired Striders
Shaleground Bracers
Puissance-Infused Pendant
Vinewoven Tunic
Also, you get:10


I gather that since you're here, Skorn is no more?


That's unbelievably good news! I knew that you could pull it off, <name>!

At least someone around here can produce results!

Well, this calls for a reward. Go ahead, take your pick; the treasury is open to you.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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