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A Cleansing Song80
77220507 40Sholazar Basin
A Hero's Burden77
Pick one:
3210019 50Sholazar Basin
A Hero's Headgear80
77220507 40Sholazar Basin
A Mammoth Undertaking7776160505 10Sholazar Basin
A Rough Ride777653501 66Sholazar Basin
A Steak Fit for a Hunter7676211506 20Sholazar Basin
A Timeworn Coffer7877
Pick one:
216006 80Sholazar Basin
Aerial Surveillance77775350Sholazar Basin
Aerial Surveillance77775350Sholazar Basin
An Embarrassing Incident7777214006 50Sholazar Basin
An Issue of Trust7777
Pick one:
2675013Sholazar Basin
An Offering for Soo-rahm7676211506 20Sholazar Basin
Appeasing the Great Rain Stone77
76214006 50Sholazar Basin
Back So Soon?7776107003 30Sholazar Basin
Back Through the Waygate7877162005 30Sholazar Basin
Burning to Help7776214006 50Sholazar Basin
Chicken Party!77
76214006 50Sholazar Basin
Crocolisk Mastery: The Ambush7676
Pick one:
211506 20Sholazar Basin
Crocolisk Mastery: The Plan7676211506 20Sholazar Basin
Crocolisk Mastery: The Trial7676211506 20Sholazar Basin
Cultist Incursion7877162006 80Sholazar Basin
Dreadsaber Mastery: Becoming a Predator7676211506 20Sholazar Basin
Dreadsaber Mastery: Ready to Pounce7676
Pick one:
211506 20Sholazar Basin
Dreadsaber Mastery: Stalking the Prey7676211506 20Sholazar Basin
Engineering a Disaster7676211506 20Sholazar Basin
Exterminate the Intruders7777
Pick one:
214006 50Sholazar Basin
Flown the Coop!7776
Pick one:
214006 50Sholazar Basin
Force of Nature78772150Sholazar Basin
Forced Hand7776214006 50Sholazar Basin
Fortunate Misunderstandings7776
Pick one:
214006 50Sholazar Basin
Frenzyheart Champion77
76107003 30Sholazar Basin
Freya's Pact77772150Sholazar Basin
Gods like Shiny Things7776214006 50Sholazar Basin
Hand of the Oracles77
76107003 30Sholazar Basin
Have a Part, Give a Part7676211506 20Sholazar Basin
Home Time!7776107003 30Sholazar Basin
Hoofing It7776214006 50Sholazar Basin
In Search of Bigger Game770Sholazar Basin
In Search of Bigger Game77762150Sholazar Basin
It Could Be Anywhere!7676
Pick one:
3175018 60Sholazar Basin
Just Following Orders7776214006 50Sholazar Basin
Kartak's Rampage78
762700013 60Sholazar Basin
Kick, What Kick?76762100Sholazar Basin
Kungaloosh (DEPRECATED)760Sholazar Basin
Lakeside Landing7776215066Sholazar Basin
Lifeblood of the Mosswalker Shrine7776214006 50Sholazar Basin
Lightning Definitely Strikes Twice7776
Pick one:
214006 50Sholazar Basin
Make the Bad Snake Go Away7776214006 50Sholazar Basin
Making Peace7776
Pick one:
214006 50Sholazar Basin
Mastery of the Crystals78
772700013 60Sholazar Basin
Mischief in the Making7776214006 50Sholazar Basin
My Pet Roc7776214006 50Sholazar Basin
Need an Engine, Take an Engine7676158504 80Sholazar Basin
Playing Along777653501 66Sholazar Basin
Post-partum Aggression7776
Pick one:
2675013Sholazar Basin
Power of the Great Ones78
762700013 60Sholazar Basin
Powering the Waygate - The Makers' Overlook777721400Sholazar Basin
Powering the Waygate - The Makers' Perch7777160505 10Sholazar Basin
PvP Test
015Sholazar Basin
Reagent Agent7776
Pick one:
214006 50Sholazar Basin
Pick one:
3240020 40Sholazar Basin
Reconnaissance Flight7777214006 50Sholazar Basin
Rejek: First Blood80
77220507 40Sholazar Basin
Return of the Friendly Dryskin7776107003 30Sholazar Basin
Return of the Lich Hunter7776107003 30Sholazar Basin
Returned Sevenfold7777
Pick one:
214006 50Sholazar Basin
Rhino Mastery: The Chase76762100Sholazar Basin
Rhino Mastery: The Kill7676
Pick one:
2645012 40Sholazar Basin
Rhino Mastery: The Test7676211506 20Sholazar Basin
Salvaging Life's Strength7777214006 50Sholazar Basin
Secret Strength of the Frenzyheart78
762700013 60Sholazar Basin
Securing the Bait7776214006 50Sholazar Basin
Sharpening Your Talons7776214006 50Sholazar Basin
Some Make Lemonade, Some Make Liquor7676211506 20Sholazar Basin
Song of Fecundity80
77220507 40Sholazar Basin
Song of Reflection80
77220507 40Sholazar Basin
Song of Wind and Water80
77220507 40Sholazar Basin
Still At It7676158504 80Sholazar Basin
Strength of the Tempest80
78220507 40Sholazar Basin
The Angry Gorloc7776107003 30Sholazar Basin
The Ape Hunter's Slave7776214006 50Sholazar Basin
The Bones of Nozronn7676158504 80Sholazar Basin
The Etymidian787721600Sholazar Basin
The Fallen Pillar777710700Sholazar Basin
The Great Hunter's Challenge7676
Pick one:
2645012 40Sholazar Basin
The Heartblood's Strength80
77220507 40Sholazar Basin
The Lifewarden's Wrath7777160505 10Sholazar Basin
The Lost Mistwhisper Treasure7776
Pick one:
214006 50Sholazar Basin
The Mist Isn't Listening7776214006 50Sholazar Basin
The Mosswalker Savior7776214006 50Sholazar Basin
The Part-time Hunter7676211506 20Sholazar Basin
The Sapphire Queen7776
Pick one:
214006 50Sholazar Basin
The Secret to Kungaloosh (DEPRECATED)760Sholazar Basin
The Taste Test7676
2645012 40Sholazar Basin
The Underground Menace7776214006 50Sholazar Basin
The Wasp Hunter's Apprentice7776214006 50Sholazar Basin
Tools of War78
762700013 60Sholazar Basin
Tormenting the Softknuckles7776214006 50Sholazar Basin
Uncharted Territory (DEPRECATED)76158504 80Sholazar Basin
Venture Co. Misadventure7676211506 20Sholazar Basin