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5. A Carver and a Croaker
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A Carver and a Croaker

Get a Shiny Knife from "Silvermoon" Harry and capture a Scalawag Frog. Bring these to Zeh'Gehn at Scalawag Point.
Scalawag Frog
Shiny Knife


Some of the pirates around here... we have our own special way of talking. Zeh'gehn has... many different special ways of talking... all mixed together.

From what I can tell he wants a frog and a knife.

"Silvermoon" Harry might have a knife on the cheap. There's frogs all over town, just grab one and bring it to him along with the knife.

I'd hate to be in the poor critter's shoes, if you know what I mean.


Ye get the croaker and carver, mon?


Much obliged, bucko. Croaker's lookin' real cris!


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 5050 experience (33at max. level)


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