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A Timeworn Coffer

Obtain a Huge Stone Key from the nearby Sholazar Guardians and bring it to the Timeworn Coffer at the Maker's Overlook.
Huge Stone Key


The stone coffer appears to be locked. It appears that a key fits inside a large stone keyhole.

Perhaps one of the guardians in the vicinity has this key in its possession.


You can choose one of these awards:
Aged Watcher's Legwraps
Binding of the Ancient Keeper
Rockhandler's Gloves
Stonebound Chestguard
Also, you get:680


The stone coffer does not budge.


The huge stone key turns with a deep grunt as the coffer lid opens up to reveal hidden treasure inside.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 21600 experience (1296at max. level)


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