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1. A Visit to the Doctor
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A Visit to the Doctor

Darkrider Arly at Blackwatch wants you to destroy the Metal Stake imprisoning Patches in the Sanctum of Reanimation and help him get his revenge on Doctor Sabnok.
Patches freed
Help Patches kill Doctor Sabnok


So they've been embedding these ghouls with broken shards of saronite down in the Sanctum of Reanimation? We must put a stop to this, before these ghouls can be deployed against our troops.

Find the entrance to the Sanctum of Reanimation in the flesh giant lab area of the Fleshwerks. There, the ghoul mastermind, Doctor Sabnok, keeps the most fearsome of his creations, Patches. Free Patches from his chains and help him take his revenge on the doctor. Let his own creation be his undoing.


Also, you get:740


Have you unleashed the doctor's creation against him?


<Dakrider Arly throws her head back and laughs darkly.>

A fitting end for the 'good' doctor, wouldn't you say?


Upon completion of quests, get:


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