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1. A Diplomatic Mission
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A Diplomatic Mission

Speak to Karuk at Riplash Strand, southwest of Valiance Keep.


I see that you are very eager to help, <name>. You didn't come all the way to Northrend to stay holed up in a city! I've just the task for you... something that'll take you far away from here.

We've long sought to gain the favor of the tuskarr native to Northrend. Recently a young tuskarr came to us seeking help, something we couldn't offer at the time.

Now that you're around, maybe you can lend him a hand. Look for Karuk near the Riplash Strand, southwest of here, and see what you can do to help.


You've come to my aid? I thank you, <name>.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 2000 experience (120at max. level)


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