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1. A Cold Front Approaches
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A Cold Front Approaches

Report to Siegemaster Fezzik at the Argent Vanguard in Icecrown.


The chill of death stirs in the west, threatening to freeze our hearts and souls to this wasteland and bind us to its dark master. We will stand and we will fight!

The preparations have begun. Report to Siegemaster Fezzik at the front gate for your assignment.


We must be quick or face being overtaken by the Scourge! There's really no time for instructions, <race>. You're just going to have to jump in and hope for the best.


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Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 2016/06/02 (Patch 4.3.4)
nem lehet leadni a muksonál így nem adbe további küldiket
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 2016/06/03 (Patch 4.3.4)
Faszom javitsátok már már csak az Icecrown kéne az egész Loremasterhez de így nemtudom megcsinálni.
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 2016/06/04 (Patch 4.3.4)
Igen nem hiszem el hogy lk content ota nehéz lett volna meg csinállni már akor sem müködöt rendesen


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