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5. A Lesson in Fear
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A Lesson in Fear

Gorth wants you to kill Ulf the Bloodletter, Oric the Baleful and Gunnar Thorvardsson and drive the Forsaken Banner through their corpses. Slay Vrykul across the Forsaken blockade until they appear.
Oric the Baleful's Corpse Impaled
Ulf the Bloodletter's Corpse Impaled
Gunnar Thorvardsson's Corpse Impaled
Provided Item:
Forsaken Banner


When you've been in lots of fight like Gorth, you learn that to beat enemy good you have to make them really scared to die!

But these vrykuls not afraid. You kill one and another comes... screaming louder and with a bigger weapon than the one before.

Only thing that makes vrykuls afraid is when we kill the biggest and baddest vrykul of all.

Go fight the Winterskorn across the blockade until hero vrykuls show up! Then you kill them dead and put queen's flag on corpses. They must learn to fear!


You can choose one of these awards:
Grounded Pants
Hex-Linked Stronghelm
Nimblefinger Band
Stoneground Cleaver
Also, you get:470


You kill them vrykuls? They sure is tough!


You do some good killings over there. I see vrykul men fall and get stabbed with Sylvanas flag. Our side doing good!


Upon completion of quests, get:


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