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A Letter for Home

Deliver Captain Malin's Letter to Commander Saia Azuresteel at Stars' Rest.
Captain Malin's Letter
Provided Item:
Captain Malin's Letter


You find a letter secreted in the lining of her robes. It reads:


I'm sorry for disappearing on you. If you're reading this letter, then I'm dead.

I've been forced to work for Malygos's armies under threat that our family would be killed if I didn't. I feel so ashamed.

If there's anything that you can do to fight them, don't worry about me. I have them fooled and I'm sabotaging them from the inside.

I love you, Daddy!


Commander Saia Azuresteel will want to see this!


Also, you get:5


A letter for me?

<The commander studies your face a moment.>

I suppose not... must be bad news.


Oh no... and we sent you down there to kill her, didn't we?

<The commander shakes her head and sighs.>

I'm sorry. I'll see to it that the letter is delivered to her father, Archmage Malin in Stormwind, right away. Don't worry, you won't be implicated... it wasn't your fault.

Try to put it out of your mind. There was no way that you could have known, <name>.


Upon completion of quests, get:



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