...All the Help We Can Get.
High Captain Justin Bartlett aboard the Skybreaker wants you to speak to Thassarian.Description
Desperate times, <class>...As uncomfortable as it makes me, I'm prepared to accept assistance from anyone - including our resident death knight.
Go to Thassarian and see if he can help us develop tactics against the Scourge that will ensure victory once we are able to mount another offensive.
We have come so far... we must not fail here!
It was wise of Captain Bartlett to send you.While he frets over your conflict with the Horde, someone must remain exclusively focused on the real mission here - the march on Icecrown Citadel.
Who better to direct your efforts than a former servant of the Lich King?
Upon completion of quests, get:- 2200 experience (132at max. level)