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Baleheim Bodycount

Sergeant Gorth wants you to kill 16 Winterskorn Vrykul inside Baleheim.
Baleheim Bodycount (16)


Them vrykuls just keeps coming and coming out from town west of here. No end in sight!

Gorth has an idea. You go INSIDE town and kill them Winterskorn there. THEN they stop coming here!


You can choose one of these awards:
Deacon's Wraps
Stretch-Hide Spaulders
Streamlined Stompers
Scavenged Tirasian Plate
Also, you get:940


You done with the killings yet? Winterskorn town right across from here!


You must have lots of practice with doing killings. You almost as good as Gorth!


Upon completion of quests, get:


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