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Quick Facts
  • Level: 71
  • Requires level: 68
  • Side: Horde
  • Start: Pontius
  • End: Pontius
1. Let Them Eat Crow
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Let Them Eat Crow

Pontius, the kennel keeper at Vengeance Landing, wants you to use the Plaguehound Cage to summon a Hungry Plaguehound and feed it Crow Meat from Fjord Crows west of Vengeance Landing.
Plaguehound Fed (5)
Plaguehound Cage
Provided Item:
Plaguehound Cage


The high executor wants me to use my dogs to sniff out enemy scouts, but I can tell you right now these plaguehounds aren't going anywhere until they're properly fed.

If our military doesn't understand that these beasts are picky enough to not eat the rubbish they've given me, then they can't expect them to be of any use in the field.

You seem to have some time on your hands, why don't you take one of these dogs out hunting for crows out west? Their meat isn't very tasty to us, but my boys love it!


The following spell will be cast on you:
Force Dismiss Plaguehound
Also, you get:470


Did you feed this little rascal here yet?


Did you hunt down some crows, boy? Good boy, good boy!

Ah, these hounds remind me of my days raising purebreds in Tirisfal... those were good times!


Upon completion of quests, get:


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