The Dragonskin Map
Bring the Dragonskin Map to High Executor Anselm in Vengeance Landing.Dragonskin Map |
Dragonskin Map |
Upon closer inspection, the scroll appears to be a heavily-illustrated map of the fjord. The location of various villages are depicted in what seem to be tribal symbols.The location of Vengeance Landing is marked with a disproportionately large skull.
This map will almost certainly be of military value to High Executor Anselm.
You've something to show me, <class>?Completion
<The high executor looks at the map intently, occasionally looking up at landmarks around the Fjord.>Here's the eastern coastline over here. The Dragonflayer and Winterskorn villages are here and here... and this must be us over here, marked for death.
Upon completion of quests, get:- 10050 experience (63at max. level)
- 75 Reputation withHorde Expedition