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Baleheim Must Burn!

Sergeant Gorth wants you to go to Baleheim and use Gorth's Torch to burn 1 Winterskorn Dwelling, 1 Winterskorn Watchtower, 1 Winterskorn Bridge and 1 Winterskorn Barracks.
Winterskorn Dwelling Burned
Winterskorn Watchtower Burned
Winterskorn Bridge Burned
Winterskorn Barracks Credit slain
Provided Item:
Gorth's Torch


Killing the Winterskorns maybe not enough. Maybe we burn their houses too! Uh... and their bridges. We should burn whole town to be safe!

You take this torch. Go to Baleheim, to the west, and burn EVERYTHING! That teach them good.


You done burning everything? Make sure you not leave something not burned.


I guess you burned everything. I see couple of spots not burning... but is close enough for Gorth.


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