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Quick Facts
  • Level: 20
  • Requires level: 20
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Aqueous
  • End: Aqueous
  • Class: Shaman
4. Call of Water
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Call of Water

This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.

Fill the Empty Bota Bag and then return to Aqueous in the Hidden Reef at Bloodmyst Isle.
Filled Bota Bag
Provided Item:
Empty Bota Bag


It is worse than I feared. The corruption is very potent and if unchecked it could spread to the ocean currents and be carried throughout all of Azeroth!

We are going to need a sample of the purest water to counter this malignancy. There is a forest on the nearby continent of Kalimdor named Ashenvale. Near its southwestern border is a place called the Ruins of Stardust.

Take this bota bag and fill it with the water from the fountain on the small island at the center of the ruins. Hurry, <name>!


You have the pure water from the ruins?


Water parts easily, yet put enough of it together and it will create an unstoppable force. It washes away earth and fire, and easily pushes air out of the way.

We are that unstoppable force, <name>, not those that have poisoned Bloodmyst Isle!


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 1550 experience (93at max. level)



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