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2. Call of Water
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Call of Water

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Find Brine in Southern Barrens.


If there is one lesson you must learn of water, it is this: water means rebirth.

Its power flows, erodes, and makes clean all manner of things. You will find its ability to heal and replenish incomparable, but only when it is pure.

When you understand that water, when polluted, can devastate all that it touches, you will appreciate how vital a resource it is.

If you wish the water sapta, find Brine deep in Southern Barrens. Her home is continually molested by the quilboar there.



Mmm. I have a feeling I know what you're going to ask me: what would possess someone to live out here in the deepest part of the Barrens. the threat of quilboar all around. and no protection? Well, we all have our reasons to justify why we act the way we do. The real question is, what brings a lowly <race> to the deepest reaches of the Barrens to speak to a woman who obviously has no concern for her own well-being?

I'm willing to bet we both know the answer to that.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 390 experience (2340at max. level)



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