Call of Water
This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.
Fill the Empty Blue Waterskin at the Ruins of Stardust in Ashenvale and return to Brine in the Barrens.Filled Blue Waterskin |
Empty Blue Waterskin |
Take this waterskin and head deep into the lush forest the night elves call Ashenvale. It is to the far north of the Barrens.Once you've entered the forest, travel west. Along the mountains that separate Stonetalon and Ashenvale, and beyond Lake Mystral, you will find a holy place: the Ruins of Stardust. At the center of the lake you will find a small fountain.
Bring me a sample of the fountain's water. It will be the final component you'll need before I send you back to Islen.
Do you have the water yet, <name>? Tales say the ruins were protected by large creatures of nature that do not care for visitors, but those could be myths to scare off the enemies of the night elves.Regardless, be careful.
Wonderful, <name>. With all three samples gathered, I can create for you a vial of the purest water any living creature will find. It will be used in the next steps of your rite of passage.I am pleased to count you among our kind, <name>. You do all <class> proud, and I look forward to hearing about your exploits in the future.
Upon completion of quests, get:- 1150 experience (69at max. level)