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1. Call of Water
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Call of Water

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Defeat the Corrupt Manifestation of Water and place the Corrupted Manifestation's Bracers along with the Remaining Drops of Purest Water on the Brazier of Everfount in Silverpine Forest.
Corrupt Manifestation's Bracers
Remaining Drops of Purest Water
Provided Item:
Remaining Drops of Purest Water


Along the coast of Silverpine, west of the Sepulcher, you will find a shrine that has become tainted by the plague. The spirits there no longer speak to our people and it will be up to you to defeat the manifestation and cleanse the pool.

Take the elemental's bracers, along with the remaining drops of Brine's potion, and place them on the brazier. The ritual should be enough to summon a pure spirit for you to communicate with.

Bring me proof the task is done, and I will reward you with your totem.


The brazier still reflects the ambient light from the are, and the flame shifts slightly as you move closer.

The corruption along the hills seems to have kept its distance, and besides the missing components, the brazier looks prepared for the ritual to summon a cleansed manifestation of water.


You place the bracers atop the brazier and then pour the remaining drops of Brine's potion into the flame. The drops crackle as they hit the flame and you begin to incant the simple words Islen taught you....


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 1150 experience (69at max. level)



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