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5. Wanton Warlord
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Wanton Warlord

Travel to the ring of torches south of the Azure Dragonshrine and blow the Emblazoned Battle Horn. Defeat Grom'thar the Thunderbringer and bring his head back to Aurastrasza at Wyrmrest Temple.
Grom'thar's Head
Suggested Players [3]
Provided Item:
Emblazoned Battle Horn


There's no reason to suspect Dregmar's words are anything but true. Whether Grom'thar defeats you or is defeated by you, he can wash his hands of this.

Follow his instructions... take the horn that you brought me earlier, travel to the ring of torches south of the Azure Dragonshrine, and blow it to announce your challenge.

When Grom'thar the Thunderbringer arrives, kill him and bring me his head.


You can choose one of these awards:
Battered Magnataur Dualblade
Longbow of the Ruby Rider
Shortblade of the Ruby Ally
Emme's Lost Spellblade
Life Binder Talisman
Also, you get:1680


Did you end this threat for good?


You are formidable indeed.

With Grom'thar the Thunderbringer gone, we can leave the remaining magnataur to fight among themselves and turn our attentions back towards more prominent threats.

Impressive work, <class>.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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