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3. Mighty Magnataur
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Mighty Magnataur

Hunt down and kill Bloodfeast, Iceshatter, and Drakegore east of Wyrmrest Temple.

Bloodfeast resides in the southeastern corner of the Dragon Wastes, just north of the Emerald Dragonshrine. Iceshatter patrols the northern edge of the Mirror of Dawn. Drakegore wanders at the bottom of the cliffs west of the Bronze Dragonshrine.

Return to Aurastrasza at Wyrmrest Temple once the magnataur have been slain.
Iceshatter slain
Bloodfeast slain
Drakegore slain
Suggested Players [2]


Magnataur are hideously violent creatures... this is the main reason we rarely see them come together in any real numbers without killing each other. A powerful leader has stepped up somewhere among them and we need to hunt him down if we are to stop this threat.

I will start asking around. I need you to disrupt them as much as possible in the meantime.

East of here there are 3 torches erected. Near them, there are 3 dominant Magnataur - put them down to buy us some time to hunt down this leader.


Also, you get:530


Have you defeated the magnataur?


Excellent work. No one could tell me who this leader might be, but I was able to uncover the name of someone who will have our answer.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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