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Quick Facts
  • Level: 71
  • Requires level: 68
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Karuk
  • End: Karuk
  • Sharable
2. Karuk's Oath
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Karuk's Oath

Karuk wants you to slay 6 Skadir Raiders and 5 Skadir Longboatsmen.
Skadir Raider slain (6)
Skadir Longboatsman slain (5)


They call themselves the Kvaldir. My people have legends about them; we call them the tuk-hariq - walkers of the fog.

My village was destroyed by these giant mist-men. Everyone I knew was slain, including my father Ariut.

By tuskarr law I must seek retribution against those who shed my kin's blood.

I am but a fisherman and I've not yet passed the test of manhood... I cannot stand toe-to-toe with the vile Kvaldir.

If you were to carry out my blood duty for me, I will be in great debt to you.


You can choose one of these awards:
Blubber Carver
Compact Arrow Launcher
Medicine Stick
Shark Stabber
Claw of the Tuskarr
Spirit Channeller's Rod


Did you succeed, <race>? The Kvaldir are cruel warriors. Do not expect any quarter from them.


You've done my people a great favor, <name>. I must ask one more thing of you, however.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 25150 experience (159at max. level)
  • 350 Reputation withThe Kalu'ak


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