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1. Seek Out Karuk!
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Seek Out Karuk!

Seek out Karuk at Riplash Strand.


A fellow survivor of Pal'ea known as Karuk has made his way to the main base of the Kvaldir in the Borean Tundra - far to the south where the snow was once bountiful. Karuk hides along the bluffs overlooking Riplash Strand.

Seek out Karuk and let him know what you did for my people here at the Coast of Echoes.

The safest route to Karuk is through your fortress. From Warsong Hold, take the road south and follow it around until you reach Riplash Strand.


Waltor was wise in sending you to me, <race>. The gods smile down upon those that mete justice. You will be he that doles out punishment to the wicked!


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 20100 experience (126at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withThe Kalu'ak


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