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4. Plug the Sinkholes
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Plug the Sinkholes

Sergeant Hammerhill wants you to use the Incendiary Explosives to collapse the sinkholes southwest and northwest of Valiance Keep.
Explosives set at southern sinkhole
Explosives set at northern sinkhole
Incendiary Explosives
Provided Item:
Incendiary Explosives


The Scourge are showing no sign of letting up, <name>. It's those blasted sinkholes; they connect to tunnels all the way to Icecrown for all we know. Giant undead worms burrow under the ground to create them.

If there's something years of mining has taught me it's that without support beams, tunnels will cave in easily after an explosion.

Take these explosives and place them at the entrance to the sinkholes up on the ridge beyond the beach to the west. Come back after you've collapsed them.


You can choose one of these awards:
Transborean Cover
Marshwalker Chestpiece
Westrift Leggings
Mightstone Pauldrons


Did you succeed, <name>? We need to slow down the Scourge or Valiance Keep will be overrun.


Excellent work, <name>. Without you, Valiance Keep might've not held against the attackers. Thanks to your help we'll live to fight another day.


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