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3. Death From Above
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Death From Above

Sergeant Hammerhill wants you to use the Reinforced Net to help you slay 6 Scourged Flamespitters outside of Valiance Keep.
Scourged Flamespitter slain (6)
Reinforced Net
Provided Item:
Reinforced Net


We're doing a good job of holding the front lines against these bugs. Some of these cheeky fiends, however, can fly over the aforementioned front lines and are really beating down on our inner defenses.

I've requisitioned reinforced fishing nets from our civilian ships. If you've got a good enough throwing arm, they'll help you knock the enemy out of the sky. Thin their numbers so that our defenses can hold the keep.


Also, you get:470


You're back. Good news, hopefully?


We'll beat them if they come by land and we'll beat them if they come by air. If these motherless undead come by sea we're going to give them the beating of their lives.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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