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2. The Siege
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The Siege

Sergeant Hammerhill wants you to kill 6 Crypt Crawlers in the Sands of Nasam outside of Valiance Keep.
Crypt Crawler slain (6)


Well, well, well. It's good to see Arlos bring out the big guns.

Don't get me wrong - our lads are doing the best they can, but someone of your renown fighting alongside them could really turn the tides for us. I'm not sure how much longer we can hold out against these undead Nerubians.

What do you say you get out there and kill me some creepers? Show these boys how it's done.


You can choose one of these awards:
Combatant Greatsword
Valiance Longbow
Writhing Longstaff
Medic's Morning Star
Soldier's Spiked Mace
Vicious Spellblade
Also, you get:470


You're back. Hopefully you've put a dent in the enemy's numbers.


Nice job, <name>. Show the lads how it's done. The only good creeper's a dead creeper!


Upon completion of quests, get:


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