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Let's Go Fly a Kite

Purchase a Dragon Kite Two-Pack from Blax Bottlerocket in Orgrimmar's Drag then use it to fly kites with your Orcish Orphan. If your orphan is not present, call for him.
Fly Dragon Kites with your orphan


The other day, when some of us were out with the matron, I saw a goblin pushing a cart filled with toys. He had dolls, copper racers, leather balls, and some kites. I've always wanted to get a dragon kite and the matron said that if I saved all my money I could buy one, but that's going to be a long time.

I think the goblin's name was Blax Bottlerocket or something. If we can find him, could we get some kites and fly them together? I saw him pushing his cart around the Drag.


I thought for sure I was going to have to save all my money for like a million years to get a kite!


Thanks for the kite, <name>. Every time I fly it, I'll remember the day you gave it to me!



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