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A Warden of the Horde

Purchase a Foam Sword Rack from Blax Bottlerocket in Orgrimmar's Drag. Then return your ward to the Orgrimmar orphanage by speaking with Orphan Matron Battlewail in The Drag.
Foam Sword Rack


You have been so very kind to me, <name>. I never dreamed that I'd have so much fun during Children's Week. Thank you.

I wish all the orphans were lucky enough to get to see all the stuff we did. Do you think we find Blax Bottlerocket again and get a foam sword rack from him? I think he's still pushing that cart up and down the main road in the Drag. That way, everyone else at the orphanage could do something fun too!

After that, it'll be time for me to go home.


You can choose one of these awards:
Piglet's Collar
Rat Cage
Turtle Box
Snail Shell
Magical Pet Biscuit
Curmudgeon's Payoff
The following spell will be cast on you:
Signal to Despawn Orphan (H)


It is a pleasure to see you again, <name>. Have you attended to the duties you've volunteered for during Children's Week?


May the spirits bless you, <name>. You've done more for Grunth than most would ever think of doing for him. Thank you - you're the epitome of what it means to be a hero of the Horde.

The orphans will love your gift; it's not often that they get a new toy.

Grunth had so much fun with you, <name>. He wanted to give you one of his favorite pets to remember him by.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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