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Spared from Madness

Rescue Berrin Burnquill, Emerine Junis, and Osborn Obnoticus inside Kurzen's Compound.
Rescue Berrin Burnquill
Rescue Emerine Junis
Rescue Osborn Obnoticus


Kurzen's death is a relief, but what's more interesting, and perhaps more immediate, is the sign of some potential allies within the compound.

I don't care what it says on that prison record, I know EXACTLY why those 3 were locked up: refusal to follow orders. They must have been spared from the madness, much like my fellow rebels here, and incarcerated for speaking up.

Find them, <name>. Find them, and send them back here.


Also, you get:18


Bring those three back here to my camp, <race>... alive or dead.


Thank you, <name>. It looks like my suspicions were correct... the three prisoners seem to have escaped the affliction that gripped Kurzen and the rest of his men.

Before you arrived, Emerine teleported them over to Stormwind to get cleaned up after their ordeal. They promised to return soon.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 2000 experience (120at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withStormwind


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