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2. The Fate of Kurzen
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The Fate of Kurzen

Obtain the Kurzen Compound Prison Records and the Kurzen Compound Officers' Dossier.
Kurzen Compound Prison Records
Kurzen Compound Officers' Dossier


Hello, <class>.

We are soldiers of Stormwind, and rebels from Kurzen's Compound, a large outpost that you'll find just to the southeast of here. We were under the command of Colonel Kurzen, until he and those close to him started to descend into madness...

We rebelled, set up camp here, and stood against Kurzen. Now, my sources are telling me Kurzen has disappeared. I trust my source, but it would help to hear from a third party. Please, head into the compound and find some documentation of his fate.


Also, you get:18


What were you able to find, <name>?


They KILLED him? And all this time, I thought he had them underneath an iron bootheel...


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 2000 experience (120at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withStormwind


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