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Stopping Kurzen's Legacy

Kill Chief Anders, Chief Gaulus, Chief Miranda, and Chief Esquivel within The Stockpile.
Chief Anders slain
Chief Gaulus slain
Chief Miranda slain
Chief Esquivel slain


Now that our allies have been evacuated, it's time to run a final raid on Kurzen's Compound. They will never be weaker than they are right now, and with your help, we may be able to weaken them beyond repair.

Those four names that were listed in the Officers' Dossier - Anders, Gaulus, Miranda, and Esquivel - will be the highest-ranking personnel remaining. Look for them in that cave in the back of their compound. Removing all four will be devastating to Kurzen's forces.

Go with honor, <name>.


You can choose one of these awards:
Guerilla Breastplate
Expedition Scouting Gear
Ring of Forgotten Causes
Also, you get:55


Marvelously executed, <name>. My men and I can handle the rest.

With Kurzen out of the picture, we may be able to continue our original expedition here in Stranglethorn, which was... ahh...

No matter. Please, feel free to peruse our armor stores. You may find something that fits you well.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 3050 experience (183at max. level)
  • 500 Reputation withStormwind


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