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Hatred Runs Deep

Kill Dragul Giantbutcher and 12 Twilight Cultists at Lorthuna's Gate.
Dragul Giantbutcher slain
Lorthuna's Gate Cultists slain (12)


I would apologize for Boden, but stone is stubborn.

It does not sway from its ways without the wear of time.

The Stone Lords, Boden and I among them, are charged with retrieving the World Pillar.

In that, we are at odds.

I would extend my patience upon you, <race>.

Prove that you are no ally of the Twilight Cult or Deathwing...

Carry our hatred upon them.

Strike swiftly where we cannot.

Succeed and I will listen.


You can choose one of these awards:
Bloodcult Handwraps Giantbutcher's Discarded Spaulders Stonebound Legplates
Also, you get:860


I have observed you, <race>.

You do not fear shedding Twilight blood.

In this, I am willing to extend you some degree of trust.

It is a start.

All things in time.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 43900 experience (2634at max. level)
  • 7000 Reputation withTherazane

