Rocky Relations
Find Diamant the Patient at the northeast edge of the Jagged Wastes.Description
<Norsala reaches to the ground in an attempt to discern Diamant's location, but jumps back in shock after a moment's contact.>My! Dat was unexpected. Diamant ain't far at all. When I reached out ta him, he spoke back wit me and told me where we could be finin' him. Head towards tha northeastern edge of the Jagged Wastes - Diamant will be expectin' ya.
<name>, be careful. It may be unlike an earth bein' to lay an ambush, but it was unlike dem to siege the temple in da first place.
Also, you get:215Completion
Ah... you must be the <race> that I was expecting.You have come on behalf of the Earthen Ring then?
Upon completion of quests, get:- 11000 experience (660at max. level)
- 500 Reputation withTherazane