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Ignoring the Warnings

Destroy 12 Warring Elementals. You may slay either Furious Earthguards or Teeming Waterguards.
Warring Elemental slain (12)


Ignore the shaman, soldier. Certain powers-that-be within the Horde demand that I keep him with me, but I assure you, that Thrall-loving farseer truly sees no farther than the borders of this hut.

Elementals war against one another to the west of here. I normally wouldn't mind, but I need that land clear to secure a broader shipping route to and from the Barrens. The elementals are normally quite strong, but they are weakened by their attacks against one another. Use this knowledge to destroy them.


You can choose one of these awards:
Feckless Armbands
Heedless Treads
Also, you get:350


Elementals? Pfuh! No match for the power of the Horde.


See? The shaman's tales are nothing but that... a youngling's bedtime stories. The new Horde takes what it wants, and doesn't waste time with such frivolity.

If you get a chance, I recommend you tell Shin... and those like him... not to waste any more of your time.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 850 experience (510at max. level)
  • 350 Reputation withOrgrimmar


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