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The Wolf and The Kodo

Hear the moral of Shin Stonepillar's story.
Listen to the shaman's fable


My "associate" here has some plans for you that I don't agree with. His actions are hasty, uncontrolled, and irresponsible, and you may end up paying for them with your life.

Before you work with Gor, first listen to the tale that I have to tell. It's a moralistic story - a fable - but I believe its lesson will prove valuable. Speak to me when you are ready.


Also, you get:350


The moral of the story: hasty, lazy actions have ruinous results. We mustn't take shortcuts... we must work for our rewards. I've been trying to tell this story to the "Enforcer", but I fear his Hellscream-worshipping skull is a little bit too thick.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 850 experience (510at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withOrgrimmar


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