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Beyond Durotar

Report to Ag'tor Bloodfist at the Orgrimmar Rear Gate in Azshara.


Hmmph... it looks like your services are being requested elsewhere. Ag'tor Bloodfist is looking for recruits to assist the Horde's ventures in Azshara, north of Orgrimmar.

I'm sure you still have work to do here in Durotar, and I understand that they'll shortly be asking for your help in the Barrens. I wouldn't be going anywhere yet if I were you, but if you're itching for some manifest destiny... Azshara awaits.


Also, you get:35


Good, you're here. Welcome to Azshara, the stage for the next act of the Horde's glorious future. Now get to work.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 100 experience (60at max. level)
  • 10 Reputation withOrgrimmar


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